Regenerating earth + Water in net - negative

< 10 usd / Tonne
We are the first company to bring the cost of industrial carbon capture at least 5x below market at our most conservative estimate.

Patented continuous bacterial fermentation increases a given ecosystem’s ability to naturally conduct photosynthesis and therefore achieve a higher state of negative entropy - essential towards a scalable solution on the gigaton scale.

Durability of the sequestered CO2 will largely be in the form of humate materials, or ‘living topsoil’.
A net gain in energy, energy-storage carbon molecules, and water. Penultimately, this accumulates as living humus (soil organic carbon), soil ecosystem diversity, and moisture, with quantifiable chemical signatures in the form of improved Cation Exchange Capacity and Available Phosphorus without depleting the Total Phosphorus pool.

On - chain
On track to become a key verified carbon supply standard to the carbon markets through a 3-step AI data driven protocol on-chain.
World’s first bio-algorithmic carbon pegged stable coin based on our core tech’s unfair advantage is in development.
Lightpaper coming soon.

We have developed a sustainable closed loop circular ecosystem where energy efficiency and waste is optimised in beyond net-zero outcomes.
Making a non-renewable resource, renewable - twice over.

Our Team

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Founder, President

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Full Name
Sustainable Decarbonisation on-chain